MPSA Webinars & Livestreams

MPSA Education Webinars
The MPSA frequently hosts educational discussions regarding topics of interest to members or significance to the MPS industry.
These 1-hour events have no cost for members, and provide a valuable forum for members to keep up to date with the most important trends, issues and strategies.
Proposals will be selected based on the breadth of their appeal and the originality of their content. You do not need to have a completed presentation ready to submit at this time, but please let us know when you would be ready to present. Also note if your proposed topic is particularly time-sensitive, or if a publication is planned in other channels.
Email [email protected] with any questions.
Webinar Guidelines:
- Hosted by MPSA Education Committee
- Can be co-hosted by Platinum/Foundation member
- No proprietary information
- Educational emphasis; no sales pitches allowed
MPSA webinars are intended to be educational and for informational purposes only, not to be construed as legal advice.

MPSA Corporate Member Showcase Webinars
The MPSA frequently showcases the research and case studies from its member organizations.
These 1-hour events have no cost for members, and provide a valuable forum for members to showcase their latest insights and research.
Proposals will be selected based on the breadth of their appeal and the originality of their content. You do not need to have a completed presentation ready to submit at this time, but please let us know when you would be ready to present. Also note if your proposed topic is particularly time-sensitive, or if publication is planned in other channels.
Feel free to email [email protected] with any questions.
Webinar Guidelines:
- 40-minute presentation, plus Q&A
- Webinars are recorded and available for future viewing
- Webinar hosts must be available to call in from a landline phone in a quiet room at least 15 minutes before session starts